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Cyber Safe Remote Workplace

Our Cyber Security Management Systems are designed to help businesses transition from a physical office space to a cyber-safe remote workplace—securely, affordably, and with minimal impact on operational output.

What is Cyber Security for Businesses?

As more businesses adopt remote working arrangements, ensuring both employee and business data security is paramount. Remote work environments expose businesses to higher risks of cyber-attacks, with hackers targeting vulnerabilities in unsecured connections, phishing employees via email, and exploiting communication tools.

To safeguard your remote workforce and business data, it’s important to implement strong cybersecurity measures. Our team can work directly with your business or your IT team to build a cybersecurity system that addresses your specific needs.

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Establishing A Cyber Safe Remote Workplace

The shift to remote working presents new challenges for maintaining security. At Jam Cyber, we have built our cyber security solutions to meet the needs of small and medium Australian businesses. This includes providing solutions for businesses operating remotely or with flexible working options.

These solutions are designed to protect your data and communications, whether employees are in the office or working remotely.

Our packages range from basic protection for low-risk businesses to premium protection for high-risk organisations. For businesses using company-owned computers, we offer solutions that align with the ACSC Essential 8, providing comprehensive protection against cyber threats.

Even if your team isn’t working remotely at the moment, our team can help you establish a cyber-safe remote working system, so you’re fully prepared when needed. Our team can:

  • Implement a comprehensive cybersecurity framework that aligns with the Australian Government’s Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) Essential 8 recommendations, ensuring your employees, business data, and confidential files are fully protected.
  • Review your internal security protocols (e.g., Windows domain-based systems) to identify potential vulnerabilities when transitioning to a remote workplace, ensuring all devices remain secure.
  • Set up effective backup procedures to recover any lost local data, whether due to cyber-attacks or human error, so your business can maintain data integrity and continuity.
  • Manage system updates and patching to ensure your devices remain up-to-date, even outside of the office, preventing security gaps due to lack of patch management.
  • Address licensing considerations, ensuring that software used on remote devices is appropriately licensed, whether through perpetual or subscription-based models, such as the Microsoft Office Suite.
  • Establish cloud-based phone systems so your team can continue to communicate with clients and colleagues seamlessly, no matter where they’re working.
  • Establish employee awareness training to educate your team about cyber security and help reduce risks when remote workings.


With our solutions, you can create a secure, cyber-safe remote working environment that protects your business and employees while maintaining productivity.


Why Personal Computers Are Not Recommended for Remote Work

At Jam Cyber, we advise against allowing employees to use personal computers for work. There are several risks associated with this practice:

  • Inconsistent Security Controls: Personal devices often lack essential security features such as up-to-date antivirus software, encryption, and proper firewall settings, making them more vulnerable to cyber threats.
  • Lack of IT Control: IT teams cannot enforce or monitor security practices on personal devices, leading to weaker defences against cyber-attacks.
  • Data Exposure Risks: When personal devices are used for work, sensitive company data may be at risk if the device is shared with others or used for non-work activities.
  • Inadequate Backup and Recovery Systems: Company-owned computers are typically integrated into business-level backup and disaster recovery solutions. Personal computers usually don’t have the same safeguards, which could lead to data loss in the event of a cyber-attack or system failure.

By providing employees with company-owned computers, businesses can maintain better control over security, ensuring a more secure and resilient remote working environment.

Remote Workplaces and Increased Risk of Cyber Attacks

Malicious emails attempting to trick employees into providing sensitive information or clicking on harmful links.

Cybercriminals create fraudulent websites to distribute malware or steal credentials.

Weak or reused passwords that make it easier for hackers to gain unauthorised access.

Exploiting unsecured or vulnerable communication platforms to intercept and manipulate conversations.

The risk of disgruntled employees or insider threats accessing sensitive business data.

Explore our range of Cyber Security Solutions to find the best solution for your business

An unfortunate reality of employees working from home is the increased risk of cyber attacks on businesses. In the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, experts are warning that businesses who are implementing remote workplaces will become more vulnerable to attacks. This is due to the reduced level of cyber security that businesses and employees have when they work outside of the office environment.

The best form of defense against cyber attacks is implementing the ACSC Essential 8 strategies which aim to mitigate risks of attacks, as well as reduce the extent of damage caused. In addition to these strategies, employee training is crucial to ensure all remote workers abide by cyber safe practices. We have listed the top 5 cyber risks for remote working.

Considerations for Cyber-Safe Remote Working

As more businesses shift to remote working, it’s essential to have a clear and structured plan in place, even if you can provide company-owned computers to your employees. To help ensure minimal disruption to operations, we’ve compiled a quick checklist to support your transition from office to home-based work.

1. Make Proactive Decisions About Remote Work: Decide in advance under what circumstances you will allow employees to work remotely. This will allow employees to prepare for remote work ahead of time if needed.

2. Allocate Assets: Maintain an asset register to ensure all employees have the necessary equipment for remote work. This includes laptops, desktop computers, monitors, mobile phones, and printers if required.

3. Establish Your Cyber Security Plan: Implement your cyber security management system before transitioning to remote work to ensure a seamless and secure shift.

4. Prepare Cyber-Safe Remote Working Processes: Provide clear instructions to employees on how to access networks securely, follow cybersecurity best practices, and report any issues immediately.

5. Verify Internet Access: Ensure all employees have adequate internet connections. We can offer advice on optimal connection speeds for smooth remote working.

6. Determine Remote Work Reimbursement Policies: Decide if the company will cover costs for employees who need to upgrade their internet or phone services for remote work.


7. Establish Cloud-Based Communication Channels: Set up online communication tools, such as MS Teams or Zoom, to ensure smooth and effective communication between employees before transitioning to remote work.

8. Implement Cloud-Based Phone Systems: Cloud-based phone systems allow you to keep your business phone number while facilitating remote communication with customers. Learn more about our cloud-based phone solutions.

9. Prepare Employee Communications: Communicate your remote work plans to employees to ensure everyone is clear about company expectations. This helps reduce confusion and helps the business seamlessly – whether staff are in or out of the office.

10. Prepare Customer Communications: Inform your customers about how they can reach you while you are working remotely. Provide clear information on how services will be maintained during this time

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