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Cyber Security for Business

Cyber security acts like a shield for your business; protecting you, your employees and your clients from successful cyber attacks.

What is Cyber Security for businesses?

Cyber attacks are becoming an increasing concern for Australian businesses. Over the past 12 months, cyber attacks have increased by 700% and cost Australian businesses $7.8 Billion.(1)

Cyber security for businesses is essentially the systems and processes implemented by the business to prevent successful hacking attacks.

Our Cyber Security Framework been created specifically designed for small to medium Australian businesses, providing enterprise-level protection – without the enterprise-level cost. This involves implementing a combination of system solutions, policies, processes, and employee training to ensure companies have the maximum protection required for their individual needs.

Our solution complies with the Australian Government’s Cyber Security Centre’s (ACSC) recommended strategies known as the ACSC Essential 8.

Find out now how to protect one of your most precious assets: your data.

Cyber Security vs. Hackers

Our Cyber Security Management System acts like a shield for your business, protecting you, your employees, and your clients from hacking attempts. Unfortunately, there are currently no methods to stop hackers from attempting to attack your business. However, specialist cyber security for businesses can block hackers from achieving their goals – even when they do attempt to hack your system or an employee makes an innocent mistake.

How Hackers Attack Businesses​
Taking Advantage of Innocent Employees
Spam/Scam/Phising Emails
Stealing/Guessing Passwords
Creating Fake/Malicious Websites
Hacking Remote Access Users
Direct Damage Caused by Hackers
Data Theft
Payment Fraud
Data Protection
ID Theft
Ransomware/ Blackmail
How Hackers Attack Businesses​
Taking Advantage of Innocent Employees
Spam/Scam/Phising Emails
Stealing/Guessing Passwords
Creating Fake/Malicious Websites
Hacking Remote Access Users
Direct Damage Caused by Hackers
Data Theft
Payment Fraud
Data Protection
ID Theft
Ransomware/ Blackmail

How Hackers Incite Cyber Attacks

There are many techniques hackers use to attempt a cyber attack. This is why cyber security for businesses is vital. Below are the more common attacks experienced by Australian businesses:

1. Taking advantage of innocent employees: hackers know many employees may not think twice when opening an email from a trusted source, viewing a known website or logging into a business cloud-based app. Therefore, hackers will often attempt to deceive employees and infiltrate ‘routine business actions’ to gain access to business data.

2. Internal knowhow from malicious employee: unfortunately, disgruntled employees sometime purposefully attempt to hack into a company system from the inside. However, purpose design cyber security for business should minimise attacks both external and internal.

3. Sending spam/scam/phishing emails: these emails aim to trick the user into either divulging passwords and logins, make the user click on a dangerous link which may download a virus or malware, or convince the user to make a fake payment to a fraudulent account. The coronavirus pandemic has resulted in a huge spike in these types of emails, read more about COVID-19 scams here.

4. Stealing/guessing passwords: majority of people use the same passwords for multiple logins, meaning hacking bots can easily guess and steal passwords. This enables the hacker to access a business computer systems from the employees password/account.

5. Creating fake/malicious websites: there has been a recent increase in malicious websites stating to provide information about Coronavirus and then convincing the user to click on a dangerous link which then downloads a virus or malware. Read more about COVID-19 scams here.

6. Gaining access to cloud-based business platforms: most cloud-based programs offer high security, however it only takes one vulnerable computer system, or outdated app, to allow a hacker to access the company system. If a hacker can reach the backend of cloud-based programs, they can access data and change passwords.

7. Hacking employees using remote access: working remotely increases the chance of remote access hacks (aka Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) attacks). This means hackers set themselves up as an ‘administrator’ on the remote network. This gives the hacker access to every activity being undertaken on that computer, including passwords and files.

8. Hacking your IT provider or a 3rd party business: hackers predominantly attack businesses where they can achieve the largest impact and thus demand the greatest ransom. This is why they target companies such as IT providers as they can then also reach a large range of affiliated businesses.

Hackers use these techniques to implant malware/viruses onto the business network and/or gain access to businesses data. This results in direct and indirect consequences for businesses.

What are the Direct Damages cyber attacks do to businesses?

The primary goal of cyber-attacks on small to medium businesses is for the hacker to extort money from the business owner. There are a plethora of actions a hacker can undertake once they gain access to a business’s data. Cyber security for businesses should not only reduces likelihood of an attack, but also limits the damage caused. Below are the top five direct impacts businesses experience from a cyber attack:

1. Data Theft: hackers access systems and steal confidential files – including client information. This information can be then on-sold to external buyers, ransomed back to the company or the hackers use the information to commit further attacks on a company’s clients and contacts.

2. Payment Fraud: criminals access bank account passwords or credit card details and steal money from the business and/or employees. Alternatively, hackers may trick the business into paying fake bills into false accounts.

3. Data Corruptions: when viruses and/or malware are downloaded onto a computer, they can corrupt files making them unusable. Hackers then ransom the data back to the business or utilise the corrupt files to spread the infection to other external networks such as customers and contacts.

4. ID Theft: unfortunately, criminals also can target individual employees and steal their ID’s to gain access to their personal details. This can lead to individual extortion, stealing of employee’s social media profiles (including catfishing) and gaining access to employees finances.

5. Ransomware/Blackmail: one of the most brutal consequences a business can experience is a Ransomware Attack. This is where hackers encrypt business data and demand a ransom fee to return and not disclose the data. Having no access to files means the company cannot undertake any operational output on computers until the attack is resolved. This form of blackmail can result in businesses losing vast sums of money, or alternatively being shut down.

What we do to Protect Your Business

Our cyber security system is aligned to the Australian Government’s ACSC Essential 8 strategies to mitigate cyber attacks. As part of our service, we tailor cyber security for businesses to ensure maximum security that meets your business needs. In addition to installing all required software, we provide you with cyber security policies and employee training to decrease your overall attack risk. This complete approach ensures your business is as protected as it can be.

Cyber Security@0.5x 8

Next Generation Antivirus

Whilst general antivirus systems may catch and remove known viruses, it is worth noting that viruses are only one of many potential cyber attack threats. Further, there are approximately 1 million new computer viruses and/or malicious code creations every day. (2) Next Generation Antivirus systems can dramatically improve protection from viruses and are a beneficial first point of defence against cyber attacks. However, cyber attacks are becoming increasingly complex; often convincing innocent employees to download malicious virus-infected software directly to the company’s systems.

Cloud Backup@0.5x 8

Data Recovery Technology

Further, our data recovery technology can ensure that even if something does go wrong (via malware or human error) you can recover what you need to run your business. Find out more about how we protect our clients by viewing our Cyber Security Management System solution.

IT Security Advise@0.5x 8

Cyber Security Management System

Therefore, as attacks become more sophisticated, so does the need for heightened cyber security for businesses. A Cyber Security Management System uses a range of mitigation strategies to protect a business’s networks and systems from a vast range of cyber attack threats as well as human errors. Our solution involves a combination of system tools as well as processes to ensure companies have the maximum protection required for their individual needs

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