Secure Computer Logons


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//Cybersecurity Features

Secure Computer Logons

Securing Computer Logins via enabling multi-factor authentication reduces the risk of cyber attacks and minimises the damage hackers can cause.

Securing Computer Logons via multi-factor authentication provides additional layers of security for users; ultimately reducing the risk of cyber attacks. It is one of the Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) Essential 8 strategies to mitigate cyber incidents. Additional security layers for user logins increases the difficulty for a hacker to successfully reach the user’s dashboard and cause damage.

Further, heighten security levels on high-risk applications, such as webmail/email, financial applications and payroll tools, ensure the business is protected from malicious codes (malware) which may be trying to log in and extort the business.

Securing Computer Logons does not need to be complex, in fact, our system ensures it is as easy as clicking a button on a smartphone app. With our multi-factor authentication system, you can ensure your business is compliant with the ACSC Essential 8 recommendations. Our solution included in our Cyber Security Management System (CSMS).

What is Securing Computer Logons?

The concept of Securing Computer Logons is undertake via multi-factor authentication. This system sets multiple sign-in requirements for users to increase the difficulty of a hacker accessing a user’s system via a stolen password or vulnerability. Common multi-factor authentication processes involve the user undertaking a standard sign-in, and then confirming a code which is sent to an email or mobile phone to verify their identity. Advanced versions may include fingerprints, face recognition and/or voice recognition.

Securing Computer Logons has become increasingly popular due to the ease of password hacking. This is because many people use the same password across many of their applications, making it simple for hackers to infiltrate multiple areas of the system with one basic password. Therefore, when there is a second, or third, level of authentication required, hackers cannot simply deep dive into a system as they often don’t have access to the phone or email which has the required access code.

A common criticism of multi-factor authentication is the hassle and time of having to log into multiple devices and remember/re-entre codes into the program. Further, changing passwords for all applications can be difficult to remember and cause inefficiencies for people who consistently forget them. Therefore, our system has been designed to be hassle-free for employees. Majority of our  solution requires little more than pressing one button on a phone app which then automatically unlocks the computer program.

Not all applications need this level of security. We work with you to ensure there is a balance between securing vulnerable data and applications and ensuring team efficiencies. Securing Computer Logons is part of our CSMS and advanced options can be discussed with companies requiring additional protection.

Benefits of Securing Computer Logons

Securing Computer Logons, or establishing multi-factor authentication, is one of the ACSC’s three strategies to limit the extent of cybersecurity incidents. In essence, the harder it is for a hacker to access an employee’s system or network, the safer your business is from cyber attacks. Therefore, the core benefits of implementing multi-factor authentication are preventing cyber-attacks and minimising damage. Our top five reasons are listed below.

Five reasons to Secure Computer Logons

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Server breaches are a common cyber attacks as once the hacker can reach a server, they have access to all data stored for the business. Adding multiple levels of authentication to reach your business’s server will protect the company from outside and internal attacks.

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Social engineering is the act of a hacker ‘tricking’ a victim into giving them a password or personal details, which they can use to extort the victim and/or the business. As 61% of people use the same password(2), a personal home social engineering attack (where a password from a person is gained on a home network) can be used to access that person’s company systems. Securing Computer Logons ensures that even if the hacker does reach inside the system, they cannot continue and move around the network without the second level of authentication.

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Not all programs require multiple security log-in levels. However, businesses can use this strategy to increase protection of their most valuable data such as client information, financial records and employee payroll systems.

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Compliance with the ACSC Essential 8 recommendations not only protects your company from costly cyber attacks, but it can increase your client’s trust in your business systems. Multi-factor authentication is a core component of the ACSC Essential 8 and thus required for full compliance.

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One study has shown that 81% of system breaches were due to weak, reused or stolen passwords.(3) Changing a password on a regular basis is difficult to implement considering the average person has 27 password logins to remember. With multi-factor authentication, there are further options of removing passwords altogether and using separate tactics to log on to systems. The core focus is ensuring an easy process for employees, whilst securing your data to maximum potential.

Implementing a Strategy to Secure Computer Logons

As with all our CSMS package features, Securing Computer Logons for businesses is a balance between ensuring the business is safely protecting its data, whilst enabling employees to undertake daily operations efficiently. This is why our multi-factor authentication system is highly simple and intuitive.

Our system works via an app that sits on the employees’ phone and is connected to all programs, applications and systems which require multiple levels of authentication. When the employee logs onto their chosen program (via username and password), the application opens up on a phone, tablet or other devices, and ask them to tick ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to verify. This simple process ensures the second level of authentication which protects both the user and the company. Further levels can be introduced at the desire of the company.

Our multi-factor authentication solution is included in our CSMS and ensures companies are compliant with the ACSC Essential 8 recommendations.

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