116 Gawler Place, Adelaide SA 5000 1800 818 875 [email protected]

Installing Programs or Apps

Installing Programs or Apps

Installing Programs or Apps

Before you start

All programs or apps on users’ computers require administrative approval and authentication prior to installation. This is to ensure that no malicious programs attempt to automatically run/install.

Jam Cyber uses PolicyPak to undertake Management of Administrative Approvals (MAP). This is installed via our Remote Monitoring & Management (RMM) Platform. If you have not installed and activated your RMM Platform, please contact your Authorised Administrator, or view the RMM Install Guide here.

What are MAP and PolicyPaK

PolicyPak is the tool Jam Cyber uses to protect dangerous and malicious programs running automatically on computers.  Jam Cyber has identified a wide range of safe programs and apps that can be run. And, each business can add to these individually if required. Please see Controlling for more details on How to Control Safe Programs and Apps.

Installing a new program or app

If you need to install a new program or app on your computer that has not yet been controlled, please follow the steps below.

Step 1: Standard install process

To install a new program or app that you believe is safe, undertake the standard steps to install a program. This will usually include downloading an .exe file and asking the install tool to ‘run’. If you are unsure about how to install a program or app to your computer, please contact your IT Team.

Step 2: Admin approval required

Once you attempt the installation, the Admin Approval block window will appear and ask for a ‘Response Code’.

Installing Programs or Apps

The fastest way to get your Response Code is to call the Jam Cyber Team on [email protected] and they will be able to verify the program is safe and provide you with a Response Code immediately.  Alternatively, if your local Administrator or IT Department manages this process for you, please contact them directly.

If the Jam Cyber Team deems the program is safe, then you will be provided with the Response Code and you can proceed with the install.  We will then add this program to your company’s Control of approved programs and apps and any employee in the company will be able to install it without needing additional approval.

In the event the Jam Cyber Team does not deem the program or app safe, we will let you know and either investigate it further or discuss directly with your Authorised Administrator or IT Contact.

Admin Approval blocker – unknown reason

The Admin Approval blocker is to stop unknown programs automatically running. If this screen appears and you have not instigated a program install, then it could be a malicious program trying to install itself onto your computer or it could be an unlisted legitimate application update.

Installing Programs or Apps

The best practice is to contact us straight away so we can identify the next steps.

Alternatively, you can select ‘cancel’ and contact us later or follow your company’s cybersecurity breach procedure.

Make a new program or app safe for all users

To ensure all users can install a new program or app without having to go through the Admin Approval process, the Jam Cyber Team can Control it for the company. See further instructions for Controlling here.

Troubleshooting Installing Programs

Please follow the below process if you receive a ‘block’ and need to quickly retrieve a response code:

Installing Programs or Apps

If BMK IT does not approve the response code and you wish to initiate an Authorised Override:

Installing Programs or Apps

For other troubleshooting issues, please visit our FAQ’s.

// Need more help?

Contact our team today.

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